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Aquaventures Wildlife Tours & Fastnet Sunset Trips

  • Morning trips     boarding at 09:45 for 3 hours 
  • Afternoon trips  boarding at 13:45 for 4 hours
  • Evening sunset tours depart between 6 and 7:30pm depending on time of year/season and typically a 3 hour tour and available Wed, Fri & Sat evenings during the season
A choice of daytime whale / dolphin watching / wildlife tours OR evening sunset trips to the Fastnet Lighthouse.  The yellow boat called Wave Chieftain has a very stable deck space, with seating for 12 passengers as well as indoor cabin space (a toilet on board)   We also provide lifejackets on board and would recommend wearing flat non-slip shoes and comfortable warm clothing - even on summer days it can feel colder out on the water.

Wildlife Sightings - The area of West Cork is a hotspot for a great variety of marine wildlife including humpbacks, fins and minke whales plus of course dolphins, seals, aquatic birdlife, basking sharks (in spring and early summer), mola mola and a stunning sea and landscape - sea arches, caves, islands, rocky shorelines all within easy reach from Baltimore Harbour

We spend all of our tours on the water (no tea or coffee breaks on an island) giving our passengers plenty of time to take in the beauty of the ocean and take images on mobile phones, cameras or video records and the skipper will do his very best to find you sightings or points of interest along the coast.  No one can guarantee 100% sightings - the ocean is not a zoo, but this area is renowned for great wildlife. 


Sunset tours  - Vibrant red skies - subject to weather conditions of course, and regulalor sightings of whales and dolphins (as well as seals) along this beautiful offshore cruise of Ireland's most southwesterly coastal waters.  Catch the amazing light and colours particularly on sunny evenings on board the Wave Chieftain around this elegant offshore lighthouse.  On this 3 to 3.5 hour tour the boat typically cruises on the south side of Sherkin Island, past the Gasnanane Sound and Cape Clear before venturing across the Fastnet Sound to this beautiful lighthouse.  After circumnavigating the lighthouse we return to Baltimore harbour via Roaringwater Bay to see some of Carbery 100 Isles or the south side of the islands if there are likely sightings of whales and dolphins.


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